Editorial Policy

In travel journalism/blogging, FAM trips where bloggers are hosted for free or paid for their coverage (blog posts) and/or social media are a standard part of doing business.

Because of this, I believe it’s more important than ever to be transparent about what is what. Readers have the right to know what has been sponsored or paid for by another party and what hasn’t been.

Jey Jetter Digital Nomad & Travel Blog’s Editorial Policy:

The aim of Jey Jetter Digital Nomad & Travel Blog is to make long-term travel easy, and that mission is reflected in the companies that I choose to work with and recommend to readers.

On Jey Jetter Digital Nomad & Travel Blog, you can always count on the following:

  • Everything you see is my own, including images (unless clearly marked otherwise) and I own the copyright. All rights are reserved and any copyright infringements will not be tolerated. Where third party images are used, they have a creative commons license where the owner allows them to be used (without modification) by other sites.
  • I sometimes accept invitations from companies who are practice/promote tourism and I am sometimes hosted (free of charge) or paid by them for my work. I only partner with brands, organisations or accommodations that match Jey Jetter Digital Nomad & Travel Blog’s principles: e.g. a partner must accommodate the needs of a digital nomad or long-term traveller.
  • Posts that I write as the result of being hosted or are sponsored by another party will be clearly marked as a Sponsored Post, or that I have been Hosted at the beginning or end of the blog post. Where you don’t see anything, it means that I have travelled independently and covered my own expenses.
  • Regardless of whether the content has been sponsored or not, my experiences, thoughts and words are always my own and I will provide the reader with my honest opinion about a place to stay, a destination, or a product. 


  • On Jey Jetter Digital Nomad & Travel Blog I work with a number of affiliates, and affiliate links are used in blog posts and throughout the site. I use affiliate links for products I believe in, recommend and use myself.
  • Affiliate programs offer me a small percentage of commission on sales (or sometimes per click-through) that are made via links on my blog.
  • Most importantly – if you choose to support me by purchasing something through one of my affiliate links, it does not cost anything extra to you. Affiliate programs allow me to recoup some of the ongoing costs of running this blog – such as web hosting and services that I pay for to maintain this website. They won’t be funding my retirement just yet ;-).

Thanks for reading & supporting Jey Jetter Digital Nomad & Travel Blog!